Journal Papers
- Xenakis, I., Gavalas, D., Kasapakis, V., Dzardanova, E., & Vosinakis, S. (2023). Non-Verbal Communication in Immersive Virtual Reality through the Lens of Presence: A Critical Review. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality, 1–71. [IF:1.474]
- Dzardanova, E., Nikolakopoulou, V., Kasapakis, V., Vosinakis, S., Xenakis, I., & Gavalas, D. (2023). Exploring the impact of non-verbal cues on user experience in immersive virtual reality. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, n/a(n/a), e2224. [IF:1.366] [Download]
- Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A.. (2022). Ontological and conceptual challenges in the study of aesthetic experience. Philosophical Psychology, 0(0), 1–43. [IF: 1.770] [Download]
- Xenakis, I. (2018). Reducing uncertainty in sustainable interpersonal service relationships: The role of aesthetics. Cognitive Processing, 19(2), 215–229. [IF: 1.340] [Download]
- Arnellos, A, & Xenakis, I. (2017). Aesthetic perception: A naturalistic turn. New Ideas in Psychology, 47, 77-79. [IF: 1.723] [Author’s copy]
- Xenakis, I. & Arnellos, A., (2017). Aesthetics as evaluative forms of agency to perceive and design reality: A reply to aesthetic realism. New Ideas in Psychology, 47, 166-174. [IF: 1.723] [Author’s copy]
- Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2015). Aesthetics as an Emotional Activity That Facilitates Sense-Making: Towards an Enactive Approach to Aesthetic Experience. In A. Scarinzi (Ed.), Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy, Contributions to Phenomenology, (pp. 245–259). Springer Netherlands. [Autthor’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I. & Arnellos, A., (2014). Aesthetic perception and its minimal content: a naturalistic perspective. Front. Psychol. 5:1038. [ IF: 2.560][Author’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I. & Arnellos, A., (2013). The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances. Design Studies, 34(1), 57-73. [IF: 2.415] [Author’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I., (2013). The Role of Aesthetic Emotions in Human-artifact Interaction Prοcess (Phd). Product & Systems Design Engineer, University of the Aegean, Syros, Greece. [Autthor’s Copy] National Archive of PhD Theses
- Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A., Spyrou T. & Darzentas J., (2012). Modelling Aesthetic Judgment: An Interactive-semiotic Perspective. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 19(3), 25–51. [Author’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A. & Darzentas J., (2012). The Functional Role of Emotions in Aesthetic Judgement. New Ideas in Psychology, 30(2), 212-226. [IF: 1.723] [Author’s copy]
Edited Volumes/Special Issues
- Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A., (Eds.). (2017). SI:Aesthetic perception. Volume 47C, New Ideas in Psychology, Elsevier.
Xenakis, I., & Vosinakis, S. (2024). Non-Verbal Communication in Immersive Virtual Reality through the Lens of Presence: A Critical Review. Presence in Virtual Reality. Presence in Virtual Reality, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
- Xenakis, I. (2022). Aesthetic development as a functional activation factor of creativity and ideation in the design process. Proceedings of the 18th Hellenic Conference of Psychological Research. Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece
Sotirchos, M.-A., Xenakis, I., & Arnellos ,A. (2022). The organization and functionality of perception: A critique review. 7th Hellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science. Dept. of History & Philosophy of Science, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Pappas, A., Xenakis, I., & Arnellos ,A. (2022). Towards an organizational account of ethics in design. 7th Hellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science. Dept. of History & Philosophy of Science, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- Kasapakis, V., Dzardanova, E., Nikolakopoulou, V., Vosinakis, S., Xenakis, I., & Gavalas, D. (2022). Exploring non-verbal cues and user attention in IVR with eye tracking technologies. Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems, 47–50.
- Kasapakis, V., Dzardanova, E., Nikolakopoulou, V., Vosinakis, S., Xenakis, I., & Gavalas, D. (2021). Social Virtual Reality: Implementing Non-verbal Cues in Remote Synchronous Communication. In P. Bourdot, M. Alcañiz Raya, P. Figueroa, V. Interrante, T. W. Kuhlen, & D. Reiners (Eds.), Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality (pp. 152–157). Springer International Publishing.
Xenakis, I., & Arnellos ,A. (2021). Aesthetic development as a factor of activation of creativity and functional ideation. Proceedings of the Ημέρες Καινοτομίας & Έρευνας Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου – Δημήτρης Εδουάρδος Γαρδίκης, University of the Aegean, Greece.
- Xenakis, I. (2016). Aesthetic science: towards a naturalized model of aesthetics. Proceedings of the 4th Hellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
- Xenakis, I., & Arnellos ,A. (2015). Feelings and the construction of perceptual content. Presented at the Interactivist Summer Institute 2015. Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Xenakis, I., (2013). On the role of aesthetic emotions in sense-making: towards a naturalized explanation of the aesthetic, Presented at the 1st International Conference Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind, Bremen, Germany.
- Xenakis, I. & Arnellos ,A., (2012). Reducing Uncertainty in the Design Process: the Role of Aesthetics, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Design & Emotion, London, UK. [Autthor’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A. & Darzentas J., (2011). Emotions and their Functional Role in Aesthetic Judgment, Presented at the Interactivist Summer Institute 2011, Syros, Greece.
- Vosinakis, S. & Xenakis, I., (2011). A Virtual World Installation in an Art Exhibition: Providing a Shared Interaction Space for Local and Remote Visitors. Proceedings of the Re-thinking Technology in Museums 2011, (pp. 253-264), Limerick, Ireland [Autthor’s Copy]
- The Design Research Society and Elsevier nominate “The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances” for the Design Studies Award 2013.
- “The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances”, published in 2013 was one of the most highly cited papers during 2014, 2015 and up until June 2016.
- “The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances” was the 5th most downloaded in Design Studies 6 months after its publication.
- “The Functional Role of Emotions in Aesthetic Judgement” was the 3rd most downloaded in New Ideas of Psychology for the first 6 months of its publication